
Love and loss verses for funeral services

Following are 62 verses for love and loss to help you prepare funeral notices. See our suggestions below or download the verses for love and loss brochure.

  • Constantly loved, ever remembered
  • Ever in our thoughts
  • Resting where no shadows fall
  • Safe in the arms of Jesus
  • Rest in peace
  • Requiescat in pace
  • Life and love know no end
  • Always remembered
  • Remembered with love
  • In God’s care
  • Treasured memories of a dear ………
  • A patient sufferer at rest
  • Forever in our hearts
  • Peace at last
  • To know him/her was to love him/her
  • May his/her dear soul rest in peace
  • Till we meet again
  • Love does not end
  • Cherished memories
  • We will never forget you
  • Will be sadly missed
  • Goodbye my darling
  • Thanks for the memories
  • One of nature’s true gentlemen
  • So dearly loved, so sadly missed
  • Peace, perfect peace
  • We have so many happy memories, you will be forever in our hearts.
  • Your memory is my greatest treasure, to have and to hold in my heart forever.
  • To live in the hearts of those we love is not to die
  • In God’s care he/she rests above, in our hearts he/she rests with love.
  • God has you in His keeping, we have you in our hearts
  •  Weep not that he/she has gone, but smile that he/she has been.
  • To the world you were but one, to us you were our world.
  • A tender thought that brings a tear, a silent wish that you were here.
  • No longer in our lives to share, but in our hearts you’ll always be there.
  • God broke our hearts to prove, He only takes the best.
  • Silent thoughts of time together, hold memories that will last forever.
  • Sweet is the sleep that ended the pain, we would not wake you to suffer again.
  • In our hearts you will always stay, loved and remembered every day.
  • Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
  • Deep in our hearts, memories are kept, of a …….. we will never forget.
  • My heart aches with sadness, my secret tears flow, for what it means to lose you, no one will ever know.
  • Our thoughts are always with you, your place no one will fill. In life we loved you dearly, in death we love you still.
  • To hear your voice, to see you smile, to sit and talk to you a while, to be together in the same old way, would be our greatest wish today.
  • …….., you never failed to do your best, your heart was true and tender, you simply lived for those you loved, and those you loved remember.
  • It’s not what we write, it’s not what we say, it’s how we remember you in our own special way.
  • We didn’t see you close your eyes, we didn’t say goodbye, we were only told that you were gone, without a last goodbye.
  • Death will not part us or distance divide, forever and always you will be by my side.
  • A golden heart stopped beating, two hands were laid to rest. God broke our hearts to prove, He only takes the best.
  • Suddenly you were taken, we could not say goodbye, now we only have memories, that will never die.
  • You had a smile for everyone, you had a heart of gold, you left behind the memories, that we will always hold.
  • Tired and weary you made no fuss, you tried so hard to stay with us. You suffered so much and told so few, you never deserved what you went through.
  • May the winds of love blow softly, and whisper for you to hear, that we will love and remember you, and forever keep you near.
  • The things we feel so deeply, are the hardest things to say, you will always be remembered, in a very special way.
  • Thank you for the years we shared, the love you gave, the way you cared. In our hearts you’ll always stay, loved and remembered every day.
  • God saw that you were weary, He did what he thought best, and gently held you in His arms, and said ‘come with me and rest’.
  • Though his/her smile has gone forever, and his/her hands we cannot touch, we shall never lose the memory, of the …….. we loved so much.
  • A …….. is a special gift, and one you think will stay, you never dream the day will come, when he/she will go away. For those who have a …….., cherish him/her while you may,  because I would give the world to have, my …….. here today.
  • With tears we saw you suffer …….., we watched you fade away, our hearts were slowly breaking, as you fought so hard to stay. You did not want to leave us, but you did not go alone, for part of us went with you, the day God called you home.
  • Dear Father in heaven please hear my prayer, tend my …….. with loving care. There are many …….. in the world I know, but he/she was mine and I loved him/her so. So treasure him/her Lord in your garden of rest, for here on earth he/she was one of the best.
  • We knew the time was coming, when we would have to say goodbye. Our hearts are filled with sadness, but memories will never die. Rest peacefully …….. in some place green, some place nice, some place that’s called paradise.
  • …….., you shared my life and troubles, the laughter and the tears, you gave me loving friendship, through all the loving years. Out of all the many blessings received along life’s way, there was no gift more treasured than you and our yesterdays.

Opening Lines

  • Our dear friend…
  • At rest after a long illness…
  • Tragically taken…
  • In loving memory of…
  • Loving mother of…

Closing Lines

  • Peacefully sleeping.
  • Sadly missed.
  • Loved by all.
  • In loving memory.
  • Forever in our hearts.

Wife, Husband, or Love

  • To have to love and then to part, is the saddest story of the human heart.
    – Anon
  • Our thoughts are always with you, your place no one will fill, in life we loved your dearly, in death we love you still.
    – Anon
  • Words are few, our feelings are deep, our memories of you we will always keep.
    – Anon
  • For you were beautiful, and we have loved you more than words can ever say.
    – Anon
  • May the winds of love blow softly, to that quiet, lovely place, wherever my true love is sleeping, who can never be replaced.
    – Anon

Mother or Father

  • Only your special love stays with us always, the kind of love that only a mother can give. Your love is our constant reassurance that you are with us forever.
    – Joan Barkley
  • Thanks for a lifetime of memories, for your love and kindness, help and encouragement.
    – Joan Barkley
  • Mother, you mean so much, you have done so much more, than anyone could ever do, and you mean much more to me, than words can express. No one could ever take your place.
    – Joan Barkley
  • I have a memory in my heart, that time can never touch, your loving care throughout the years, when I was growing up. You touched my life, shared my days, (Grandmother or Grandfather) we were so close in many ways. On this day the tears ran, as I sat and thought of my beloved ‘Gran’.
    – Anon

Messages of Comfort

  • There is a sunshine for each sunset, and for each night of sorrow. There is an ending as the new day dawns, on the horizon called tomorrow. Don’t cry because she has gone, but smile because she was here.
    – Anon
  • To everything there is a reason, and a time for every purpose. A time to be born and a time to die, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to get and a time to lose, a time to keep and a time to give away.
    – Ecclesiastes 3 & 4

Religious Verses & Prayer

  • Death hides, but it does not divide – thou art but on Christ’s other side. Thou art with Christ and Christ with me, in him I still am close to thee…
    – Anon
  • Extolled and harrowed by the name of God, throughout the world, which he created, according to his will. And may he speedily establish His Kingdom of righteousness on earth.

Bereavement Notices

  • In lieu of flowers, a donation to …….. would be greatly appreciated.
  • The …….. family wish to acknowledge and thank our many friends and relatives for their love and support on the loss of our dearly loved husband, father and grandfather.
  • Special thanks to the nursing staff/doctor …….. at …….. hospital/nursing home for their care and support.
  • …….. and family wish to sincerely thank relatives, friends and neighbours for all their help, love and support in the recent death of their beloved …….. . Your love, caring, floral tributes, telephone calls and cards will never be forgotten. Please accept this as our personal expression of thanks.
  • Please accept our deep appreciation for your help in our recent bereavement – the loss of our beloved …….. . Only the sympathy, love, prayers and support offered by you, and many others, have enabled us to endure and gain victory in our desolating experience.
  • Through prayers, telegrams, letters, cards, phone messages, floral tributes, visits, personal words and practical expressions, God drew near to us. Through them he revealed his love that would not let us go, made us to know and feel that round about us were his everlasting arms, and made more real assurance and hope of the Gospel.


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